10 July 2012

Poetry: Goodbye, Dear Ladies

When we join plots, themes, thoughts and notation, out comes our own Swiss Confederation!
In sync we devise, scheme, and spin out a tale, with six, eight or more parts, we always prevail.
Our collected troupe crafts and composes each line, where evil and pure in our story entwine,
intrigue ensues quickly as features unfold, with narrations winsome or silly or bold.
Our narrator reads in a humorous tone, then we share hearty laugh or sometimes a groan.

For an instant, an hour, or part of a year, our souls lace together, we gather to hear
of sentences, character, adjective choices; as Ellen instructs, “You must all find your voices,
use emotions and customs, details that ring true, and write in your story a big piece of you”.
We’re as different as night time that follows the day, and each gal so special, unique in her way
Tasmanian Terri with her look ere so sweet, and a screen play inside her to make grown folk weep
And Dawn with her deft skill to turn out a phrase, just sentence or two, she creates full buffets,
Slim and elegant Ann proves each time that she speaks, the tried and true saying, still waters run deep.
Gretchen our Gipfel, proficient and brisk, gives her characters challenge and incredible risk.
Here comes Sarah the wordsmith who flys out and in, her poems reveal travels and places she’s been.
A tale where mirage and a mystery come true, was written as only dear Norma can do.
Mary travels o’er oceans, the West Coast she will roam, to write of her family and history and home.
Our resident genius, we all were agog, when Kathy created our Writer’s Group blog.
Susi’s suggestions on Swiss things to do, taught me of bells and the BOOgg and the zoo!
The preciseness and skill Wendy uses with art, she applies to her stories repairing the heart.
Home from decades abroad, Bea is now joining in; when she puts pen to paper, she’ll have volumes within.
When Deb writes of gardens, with flowers perfume, the scent of those blossoms waft throughout the room.
Ellen’s “optional” homework meant I couldn’t relax, finding uses for “staplers”, “ventilation” and “tracks”!
In the wheels center hub, Ellen serves as our core, our improvement keeps coming, yet she still asks for/more!!!!

All things have an ending I’ve heard many say, but I’ve dreaded the farewell I knew that this day,
would bring to my life as I take off for home, so I wrote down my thoughts in my standard corn-pone.
Back to rural Wyoming, I’m a hick you can see - - and your gifts to my life have meant so much to me,
As threads in a tapestry, our lives weave and knit, I must tie off my knot but I’ll never forget.
Giving voice to my poems wasn’t part of my plan, it happened because I joined up with this clan!
Thanks so much for your kindness and sharing your skill. PLEASE keep on writing, I promise I will!

—Jocelyn Moore
Zürich,   July 2012

1 comment:

  1. Reading this puts in all in perspective. How very much we miss our dear Jocelyn with her poetic summary of every little thing. Keep posting please...


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